Leyla Kandalova

Software engineer on the frontend side with a commercial background and a strong foundation in IT and Math education.

👉 kandallova@gmail.com

Skills and Qualifications

Tech Stack

JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Vue, Nuxt, Vuex
React, Router, Mobx, Next
Node.js, Express.js
jQuery, AJAX, RESTful APIs
GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbuket
MS Windows, Linux
VS Code, WebShtorm
Scrum, Kanban

Work History


React development for DS LLC "Gazpromneft"

12.2023 - Present

Worked on the system is an EDMS in the field of industrial construction with functionalities of ERP and CRM components.

  • Maintained 4 microservices: fix bugs, add new functionality
  • Maintained an aggregation host for embedding into microservices
  • Maintained and developed component base, creating custom components based on antd
  • Fixed critical npm vulnerabilities
  • Fixed architecture and logic for MVVM compliance
  • Version, tags, tasks management
  • Integrated Sentry.
  • Implemented microservices in the main aggregation host
  • Implemented of new version of loader for microservices (more abstract and universal)
  • Plugged in SSE
  • Maintained documentation

WebStorm, NPM, Yarn, Chrome Dev Tools, Jira, Figma, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Git, React.js, Webpack, antd, TypeScript, Linux


SAP development for adidas

03.2022 - 12.2023

Worked on customer projects as UI-developer (fiori-developer)

  • Developed set of SAP Fiori applications accordingly to Fiori and customer principles
  • Consumed OData v2 services
  • Internationalization
  • Developed reusing and custom UI parts and fragments
  • Added standard Fiori elements
  • Developed UI5 extensions
  • Updated eslint version with mandatory fixes
  • Simplified some JS methods
  • Developed a custom locking mechanism to prevent multiple users from editing the same object at the same time for business needs
  • Analyzed the capabilities of the framework with the help of documentation and source code and the differences in its version for the needs of the customer
  • Conveyed technical information in a clear and understandable manner to business
  • Managed communication between the customer's project and the customer's development team
  • Addresed issues unrelated to direct responsibilities but falling within the purview of the customer's team

VS Code, NPM, Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence, SAP Fiori tools, SAP Fiori, SAPUI5, JavaScript, OData, XML

Internal educational project

10.2021 - 02.2022

  • Developed set of SAPUI5 applications accordingly to Fiori principles
  • Consumed OData v2/v4 services
  • Used MVC pattern and JSON and OData models
  • Internationalization
  • Used routing with parameters, filtering, sorting
  • Developed reusing UI parts

VS Code, NPM, GIT, SAP Fiori tools, SAPUI5, XML, OData, JavaScript


Information site and educational platform with a user role model

08/2020 - 10/2021

Project on vocational guidance, accelerated vocational training, retraining and advanced training.

According to the tender, the platform had to be completed by a certain time. The platform should have a role division that allows you to distinguish between the rights of users and their tasks.

  • Development of a project from scratch in a team
  • Development of a library of reusable interface components
  • Created all the animation on the portal (parallax effects) from Figma
  • Organization of work of localStorage, Proxy, Middleware, Route
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Added interactive maps into the site
  • Working with strict deadlines for a government client, overtime
  • Internationalization

WebStorm, NPM, Yarn, Chrome Dev Tools, Jira, Figma, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Git, Vue,js, Nuxt.js, TailWind, TypeScript

Visual editor for building a bot

11/2019 - 10/2021

Working on the universal platform that allows you to create voice assistants and non-voice bots for websites, social networks, instant messengers, media and mail services.

  • Fixed bugs and problems, including urgent ones
  • Improved user interface: added typical and custom elements, validation, hints
  • Configured promises for successful requests
  • Worked with Vuex localStorage
  • Parsed the information in the required view for the server
  • Implemented a calculator algorithm with custom math functions (rpn notation)
  • Expanded the functionality of existing components
  • Configured bubbling of events
  • Simple WebSocket Integration on the client side
  • Integration of Yandex's speech recognition tools on the client side
  • Indirect responsibilities: making changes to PHP code without prior knowledge to fix a bug
  • Indirect responsibilities: generation HTML docs for printing

WebStorm, NPM, Yarn, Chrome Dev Tools, Jira, Figma, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Git, Vue,js, Nuxt.js, TailWind, TypeScript

Some of pet projects



Faculty: Radioelectronics and Information Technology

Degree: Master


Faculty: Radioelectronics and Information Technology

Degree: Bachelor